Revitalization project of the area of the former Uthemann zinc smelter

Dominika OleÅ›



On the 14th of December 2017 Dominika Oleś received an award with a distinction in the competition organized by the General Conservator of Monuments and Historical Monuments and Art Conservators Association Poland for the best scientific and popularizing works pertaining to conservation of monuments and museology. The honored master thesis was defended at the Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in July 2017. The article presents fragments of the graphic part of the project and describes the main ideas of master diploma Projekt rewitalizacji terenu po dawnej hucie cynku Uthemann w Katowicach-Szopienicach na cele kulturowo-biznesowe (Revitalization project of the area of the former zinc smelter Uthemann in Katowice-Szopienice for cultural-business functions). The main project’s intension was to creatie a ­­suggestion of the use of the postindustrial complex at the same time compromising the contemporary context and preservating the precious Silesian heritage.

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