Sky Tower impact on the landscape of Wrocław – analysing based on the VIS method

Klara Czyńska, Paweł Rubinowicz



The article discusses investigations referring to the analysis of the Sky Tower impact on the cityscape of Wrocław. They involved using a computer aided Visual Impact Size method (VIS) developed by a team led by the first of the authors of the article. The method provides for a geometrical examination of the scope and power of dominant visual impact. The higher the building, the larger is its impact on the landscape. This is followed by the significance of the building as an element determining the image of a city. The area of VIS analyses included a major part of Wrocław (89 km2), which enabled examining close and distant exposure field. In internal views (from streets and squares), the Sky Tower is relatively little exposed and has not been much embedded in the structure of the city. According to VIS analyses, the facility is better seen from larger distances in western and southern panoramas, where the Sky Tower is the main vertical element attracting the eye of a viewer. The tall building has become a new symbol of Wrocław in thos more distant views strengthening the image of the city. The analyses involved LiDAR aerial scanning data: digital terra n model (DTM) and digital surface model (DSM), and the application of a specialist software developed by the authors.

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