SomeconcernsabouttheOłbin’sPortalfromSt.MaryMagdaleneChurchinWrocław 13
ments from the 16
century are probably the western
jamb, the capitals of both jambs, smooth shafts of internal
columns. Other elements of the portal are probably results
of the conservator’s interference from the end of the 19
century, or their dating has not been established (Fig. 8).
The analyses described above have made it possible to
pose questions which will form the basis for further archi-
tectural research aimed at clarifying certain issues related
to the origin and transformation of the Ołbin portal.
The starting point for the analyses were the measure-
ments and studies of the decoration of the eastern door-
way, with particular emphasis on the jamb. They allowed
supporting Koziński’s thesis about the lowering of the
portal during the rebuilding of 1546. As a result of these
investigations and visual inspections it was also possible
to nd clues suggesting the original existence of abacuses
above the impost cornice of the portal. Hypotheses con-
cerning changes in the height of the archivolt need to be
conrmed by further research, e.g. on a tympanum from
the National Museum in Wrocław and two strips of the
archivolt from Ołbin from the Museum of Architecture in
Wrocław. There is no doubt that the 19
-century detail
worth attention are two pads under the shafts of the col-
umns of the eastern side, possibly chiseled from the relics
of the 20
-century bases.
The recognition of secondary elements and the precise
establishment of the history of transformations is a step
towards the knowledge of the original form of the por-
tal. Therefore, it seems also necessary to study the present
condition of the portal, after a series of 20
-century resto-
ration works, which seriously and unfortunately aected
its condition. It is impossible to reconstruct the decora-
tion from, for example, the cut capitals of the external
columns, which makes it impossible to fully identify the
iconographic agenda of the portal.
The analyses carried out conrmed the view that the
Ołbin portal is an outstanding work of architecture of
the region and at the same time it is still not fully recog-
nized. Many elements of this unique work and its history
remain shrouded in mystery. The recognition of second-
ary elements and the precise establishment of the history
of transformations is a step towards the knowledge of its
original form. Therefore, it seems fully justied to contin-
ue the research on the portal planned by the author.
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