The city-picture. The mobile image of Wrocław

Beata Juchniewicz



The article analyzes the relationship between the image of public space, features of modern visual culture and strategies of social life. Since mobility is the basis of modern culture it designates the undertaken research perspective. Wrocław is a city which has been considered as a leading example for analysis. The mobility of bodies/citizens, objects and pictures, all of which are the components of the city image have been described. New forms of visual awareness are connected with the common usage of camera, resulting in multiplication. The analysis of composition of the features of student artworks about the image of Wrocław has allowed us to deepen and illustrate the analysis of the mobile city character. The citypictures have been created as urban collages, which have emerged in a blurred, mobile city silhouette with variable scenography.    Featured in the text and indicated in student artworks, the process of detachment of time from the space in urban strategies has confirmed earlier theses, for example of Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of fluent modernity. At the same time proliferation of increasingly mobile characters and images in the urban space also opens the boundaries of this space, as in the definition of Umberto Eco’s The open work. In this way, the city, the hybrid image of mobile communities is still an open space, unfinished, liable to movement and change. Mobility is the main factor forming its image – a collage of images and impressions, traces of living of the citizens.

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