The comparative analysis of selected cycling solutions from Copenhagen and the current pro-cycling actions in Wrocław

Aleksandra Łukaszewicz



Searching for alternative transport solutions in a city is extremely important from the point of view of the current economic development of towns and their urban transformations. One of the possible solutions of communication problems which towns face, and in particular their crowded centres, is the development of a cycling network. There are many towns in Europe which invested in the cycling communication and till this day it occupies a significant place in the communication structure of those towns. The example presented in the article is the city of Copenhagen – a model city which spatially adapted to the cycling communication to such an extent that this means of transport takes circa 30% of all journeys every day.     On the basis of a comparative analysis of cities and the ways in which they work out their spatial policies and how they are enforced, it is possible to draw some interesting conclusions which may contribute to the improvement of the quality of spatial activities in Polish cities.     The article outlines types of solutions of cycling infrastructure which can be encountered in Copenhagen – one of the most cycling cities in the world. Also some cycling solutions which were recently introduced in Wrocław were presented for comparative purposes.

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