The directions of evolution of church architecture in the background of the cultural landscape of seaside area of Western Pomerania

Dorota Janisio-Pawłowska



The seaside area of Western Pomerania is the perfect example of the directions of evolution of church architecture after World War II in villages and small towns. In many cases the form of these structures differs significantly from the existing cultural landscape of the urban or rural tissue in which they are situated, thus constituting negative landscape dominants. Through their blatant form, which at times even violently aspires to prove its distinctness from the surrounding space, they constitute a significant cultural dissonance which is further intensified by a lack of historical connections testifying the continuation of certain traditions and canons of sacral buildings of this area in the past centuries. By all means this situation results in breaking the cultural continuity of these places and it is one of the significant elements introducing aesthetical chaos in the reception of changing landscape of these areas.

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