The Fountain of Neptune from Nowy Targ Square in Wrocław

Ewa Małachowicz



The text “The Fontaine of Neptune from Nowy Targ square in Wrocław” increased by the fact of discovering the sculptural and architectural Baroque decoration of The Fontaine of Neptune, which till 1945 stood in Nowy Targ. This event took place during archeological excavation held by professor Jerzy Piekalski and the archeological team from The Archeology Institute of Wrocław University. Detailes found and the analysis of the ob ject’s iconography deliver new informations about the well known but not existing piece of small architecture. This has also given the opportunity to present the monument’s reconstrucion of the authorship of dr inż. arch. Maciej Małachowicz and mgr inż. arch. Rafał Karnicki.

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