The use of 2D vector studies as an architectural research stage in the era of digital spatial models

Ewa Łużyniecka



The article tried to prove that in architectural research we will use two-dimensional linear drawings for sometime. The considerations were based on materials from research conducted in 2017–2022. Most of them are studies made under the author’s direction by a team consisting of doctoral students and students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.      The summary states that in scientific research the basis of the message should be communicativeness and understandable publication of intermediate stages of research. In this case, avery good form of presenting indirect analyses is a two-dimensional recording of stratigraphy. To facilitate this, the term “architectural stratigraphic unit” was introduced.     Such a unit includes all architectural elements – both the building material and other parts of the building. The basic criterion for determining one architectural unit is the simultaneity of the formation of components.

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