Zachód II housing estate in Szczepin in Wrocław – a place built anew

Andrzej Sobolewski, Roman Czajka



The Zachód II housing estate in Wrocław’s Szczepin is an example of new development created on the ruins of the former city, destroyed during World War II. Realisation of modernist urban concepts, which broke with historical patterns of shaping the urban structure on the basis of quarter and frontage buildings, completely changed the character of the western part of Wrocław. The article presents the housing estate Zachód II, built in the 1960s according to the project of the team of architects led by Witold Molicki. The new buildings are presented against a background of the historical development of Szczepin until 1939 as well as in the context of conditions of the post-war reconstruction. A contemporary assessment of the settlement must take these conditions into account, because architecture has never been created in isolation from socio-economic reality. The aim of the article is not only to present the urban and architectural masterpieces of post-war modernism, but also to draw attention to the need to protect the cultural heritage and construction of the communist period in Poland. Threats arise not only from the technical wear and tear of buildings, functional changes, etc., but also from the need to educate the public about them and to protect them. It also seems necessary to educate people and change people’s awareness in order to recognise the qualities and specificity of this architecture and to develop concepts for its modernisation andrevitalisation, while preserving the most important original ideas of its authors.

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