Landscape painting as an inspirational tool for the art of gardening of 18th and 19th centuries

Anna Szendi



The 18th century was manifested in the art of gardening by passion for an irregular system, unfettered worship of nature, return to nature. These trends grew on a foundation of aesthetic and philosophical transformation, fascination with the antique and the Far East culture, and landscape painting, fullfi lling ideas of Arcadian myth. A particularly important aspect of this phenomenon was the evolution of the role of landscape in the art of painting, which raised it to the rank of an independent subject and although it was treated in an idealized way, it provided an opportunity to draw attention to its natural beauty. Scenes from views of Lorrain, Poussin and Rosa became a pattern in the development of landscaped gardens. It became common practice to invite artists to collaborate in the establishment of garden composition, or to be inspired by their works in order to obtain the appropriate visual effect. Thus formed picturesque landscaped gardens where you can see elements borrowed from the canvases of painters.

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