Reformed Real Gymnasium building in Milicz

Agnieszka Lisowska



A new school building came into existence in the years 1927–1929 for the newly created Real Reformed Gymnasium. This facility was the response to the high demand of the Milicz community for a high school ending with school leaving exams. Popularly called “Ostlandschule”, it was supposed to be a model German school. The carefully designed building was to enable comprehensive education and development of youth, supporting the idea through its architecture as well. The magnifi cent monumental building came into being in a residential area away from the old town centre. Due to its corner setting and interesting mass it perfectly fits the adjacent residential development. At the same time its simple modernist form, long rectangular windows and appropriate highlighting of the entrances make it outstanding. The architect Hans Spitzner thoroughly visualized the functional layout. Each area: sports and recreation, school and residential were separated one from another. The main building housed facilities for the Sciences, the side wing contained other classrooms and the administration. The gymnasium and assembly hall constitutes a self-sufficient segment open to residents after classes. The head teacher’s house, surrounded by a garden was another separate element. The Reformed Real Gymnasium in Milicz was an exceptional school and the building itself has been a precious architectural gem not only of Milicz but of the entire region.

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