Issue 3(39)/2014


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  1. Magdalena Udyrysz, Adam Szynkiewicz  - GPR survey inside Frombork Cathedral in 2013
  2. Mateusz Michalski, Karolina Babral, Karolina Wiatrzyk - The study of reconstruction of the bastion defensive walls of WrocƂaw on the example of their remains found in the area of Wolnoƛci Square
  3. Anna Szendi - Royal Ɓazienki (Baths) in the art of Zygmunt Vogel
  4. Izabela Machometa - Art of smithery in architecture – the northern gate to the hydroelectric Power Station II located in WrocƂaw as an example of integration of arts
  5. MaƂgorzata Milecka, Viktor Myronenko - Buildings of workers’ clubs from the years 1920–1930 in the context of contemporary needs of residents of Ukraine
  6. Anna Bazan-KrzywoszaƄska - Social and spatial development of the town of Zielona Góra after World War II
  7. Anna Sygulska - Spatial modifications of the stage of the opera house for the needs of a concert
  8. BogusƂaw Wowrzeczka - Agropolis – part II. A modern city farm
  9. Joanna JabƂoƄska, Sally Robertshaw - Architecture Vocational Learning Network. New European Project that Supports Learning, Teaching and the Transfer of Information


Magdalena Udyrysz, Adam Szynkiewicz  - GPR survey inside Frombork Cathedral in 2013


In 2013, a non-destructive GPR investigation was carried out over the floors inside the Cathedral in Frombork. The investigation was performed to a depth of 3 m using an 800 MHz antenna. During the studies, the main focus was to find the place conventionally known as the “lectorium” (reading room). The investigation has confirmed the location of the strong anomalies that were identified during the first GPR study using the 250 MHz antenna in 2005. The paper discusses the methods and stages of the research. Three selected GPR cross-sections are shown as examples together with the map of anomalies in the area called the “lectorium”.

  •     ground-penetrating-radar-gpr)
  •     graves
  •     tombs
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    Mateusz Michalski, Karolina Babral, Karolina Wiatrzyk - The study of reconstruction of the bastion defensive walls of WrocƂaw on the example of their remains found in the area of Wolnoƛci Square


    Rescuing archaeological and architectural researches, conducted in the years 2007 to 2012 in WrocƂaw in Wolnoƛci Square, have created an opportunity to reflect upon the bastion fortifications’ appearance. Authors are trying to determine, basing on the available source materials, in what period the fortifications were built and discuss the characteristics of the discovered relics. These works are designed to develop a reconstruction which shows, in their opinion, the most likely bastion’s curtain wall’s appearance in two of its fragments discovered in Wolnoƛci Square and the two building phases which could be distinguished. It seemed important to show analogous bastion defensive walls within Europe as an evidence of the presented attempts of reconstruction.

  •     fortifications
  •     reconstruction
  •     city-walls
  •     bast
  •     wrocƂaw
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    Anna Szendi - Royal Ɓazienki (Baths) in the art of Zygmunt Vogel


    The Royal Ɓazienki became one of the most famous examples of Polish landscape gardens, the beloved residence of StanisƂaw August Poniatowski. Repeatedly portrayed by various artists, it has a rich collection of iconographic material presenting its development.     The important leader in the number of works devoted to this garden is Zygmunt Vogel. In this special way, he contributed to the extension of the present state of knowledge about the appearance of the Royal Ɓazienki from the time of their formation. Reference material needed to assess the real value of his paintings in terms of the credibility is provided in the works of other artists, including Norblin, Zaleski, Smuglewicz. However, none of them, in their professional activity, devoted as much space to this topic, as Vogel. He became the author of many highly artistic views of Ɓazienki, presenting various expressions of both the main elements of the composition, as well as less popular parts of the assumption. It was a kind of painting documentation prepared for the king showing him the garden’s transformations. Comparative analysis of Vogel’s works with the work of other authors confi rmed the thesis of his reliability. It also allowed us to see him as the only painter who showed how this royal residence changed over the 20 years.

  •     landscape-gardens
  •     iconography
  •     royal-Ƃazienki
  •     zygmunt-vogel
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    Izabela Machometa - Art of smithery in architecture – the northern gate to the hydroelectric Power Station II located in WrocƂaw as an example of integration of arts


    The subject of this work is WrocƂaw art of craft in the early twentieth century’s architecture. Its development was greatly infl uenced by the ideas to revive crafts and arts and bind them with industry; ideas which were established at the end of the nineteenth century by the English movement “Arts and Crafts”. This research shows how the art of smithery was combined with architecture using the example of the hydroelectric plant building designed by Max Berg. The subject of this research is its gate made by a master of artistic smithery and sculptor, professor Jaroslav Vonka. A formal and iconographic analysis was performed. Special attention was paid to its composition, decorative motives and individual technological solutions.

  •     art-of-smithery
  •     decorative-metalwork
  •     jaroslav-vonka
  •     the-north-gate-to-the-hydroelectric-power-station-in-wrocƂaw
  •     modernist-architecture
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    MaƂgorzata Milecka, Viktor Myronenko - Buildings of workers’ clubs from the years 1920–1930 in the context of contemporary needs of residents of Ukraine


    Protection of architectural objects erected in the 20th century, which due to their origins are often perceived as a difficult heritage, in the current social conditions constitutes a complex restoration problem. The article outlines attempts to develop and therefore protect from devastation this group of structures which in the countries of the former Eastern Bloc were commonly referred to as palaces of culture or cultural clubs. In the minds of Poles they are usually associated with the enormous edifice that was built after the Second World War in the centre of Warsaw changing its image for years. This “gift from a befriended nation” is a poke in the eye of the Polish people but at the same time it is recognised as a big tourist attraction by visitors from abroad. Although this is the only structure of this type in Poland, in the territory of Ukraine this problem affects a large number of the so called workers’ clubs built in the years 1920–1930, which until today in various ways perform the function of centres of “spending free time”, similarly to those which appeared in the former USSR in the first half of the 20th century. The article present attempts at adaptation of “workers’ clubs” to new conditions in Ukraine.

  •     ukraine
  •     architecture-of-the-first-half-of-the-20th-century
  •     workers’-clubs
  •     relaxation
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    Anna Bazan-KrzywoszaƄska - Social and spatial development of the town of Zielona Góra after World War II


    The city as a system undergoes constant changes. However, this does not change the fact that there is still to be seen a strong connection between its social structure and urban form. The world revolution of the 20th century contributed to economic and social transformations, and caused considerable reform in the structure of the city. Civilization changes, including faster circulation of transformation in society and technological modifications, had an impact on the structure of the city. The 20th century, mainly after World War II, saw consuiderable changes in population. Demographic processes and intensive urban restyling resulted in the concentration of the population in large cities and medium-sized towns.     In order to illustrate the abovementioned processes in this paper, the author used the town of Zielona Góra as an example. This is a medium-sized town in the country’s settlement system. The optimization of the urban structure in terms of the climate, land management, the tradition of the place and the needs of the inhabitants leads to urban planning in which ecological policy is a priority. Balance between activities directed at satisfying immediate needs and protection of the town’s landscape and structure should form a logical spatial system.

  •     spatial-planning
  •     spatial-development
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    Anna Sygulska - Spatial modifications of the stage of the opera house for the needs of a concert


    The opera house as a cultural and musical area writes itself well into the spatial structure of the city. Within its own architectural structure, it is subject to modifi cations. The following paper addresses the issue of adapting the opera stage for the needs of a concert. Adaptation of the stage is necessary as the opera performance has different spatial and acoustic requirements from those of the concert. Alongside spatial changes within the stage, acoustic properties in the auditorium change. On the basis of concrete realizations, different types of orchestra shells have been shown and connections between orchestra shell architecture and acoustics have been pointed out. In addition, conclusions of computer simulations for an object whose design is under way, and conclusions of investigation in an actual object have been presented here. The analyses point out that it is a crucial architectural issue. Lack of knowledge of architectural-acoustic requirements for orchestra shells results in constructions not performing their function.

  •     orchestra-shells
  •     opera-house
  •     opera-stage
  •     concert
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    BogusƂaw Wowrzeczka - Agropolis – part II. A modern city farm


    In the article the types of spatial scale urban farms which appear in urban renewal projects are disscussed. Regeneration method for creating agricultural zones in cities is an innovative, future-oriented urban redevelopment model transformation based on the principles of sustainable development. The use of different variations of this strategy in urban regeneration programs will depend on the progress in agricultural production technology in an urban environment, and in particular their self-sufficiency in raw materials and energy and on optimization of the costs of construction and operation of urban farms.

  •     utopia
  •     a-city-garden
  •     urban-farm
  •     industrial-areas
  •     revitalization
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    Joanna JabƂoƄska, Sally Robertshaw - Architecture Vocational Learning Network. New European Project that Supports Learning, Teaching and the Transfer of Information


    This new European grouping of architecture centres, Faculties of Architecture and vocational training organisations develops closer links between vocational education and training (VET) and the world of work in the areas of urbanism, town planning, architecture, landscape architecture and other built environment professions. Through five seminars, each hosted by different partners, interspersed with regular on-line communication, the partners collaborate on: common approaches to VET for the built environment between the partners; support for graduates entering the labour market, guidance and advice on VET for secondary school teachers. This article was devoted to present fi eld of studies, activites and actions taken by the partnership aimed at achieving aforementioned goals.

  •     architectural-vocational-training
  •     vocational-training-for-building-proffesions
  •     support-for-graduates-on-labor-market
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