Issue 2(38)/2014
Table of contents
Open table of contents
- Anna Bać - Idea of sustainability and its chosen manifestations
- Beata Majerska-Pałubicka - Attempts to optimize methods of sustainable architectural design
- Patrycja Haupt - Common Ground: architecture – nature – people
- Krzysztof Cebrat - The un-sustainable housing market in Poland. Statistical data analysis and the energy embodied in economic value as a new sustainability indicator
- Katarzyna Zielonko-Jung - The densely developed urban space as an environment for energy-efficient buildings
- Barbara Widera - The City Council building in Bologna as an example of pro-ecological architecture
- Magdalena Zienowicz, Ewa Podhajska - Trends, strategies and perspectives of modern illumination and lighting of towns on the example of Lyons
- Joanna Gil, Anna Grudzińska, Agata Potaczek - ECOtwist – modern & comfortable energy-efficient house
- Mateusz Dworak - Ecological unit of single houses in Będzin
Anna Bać - Idea of sustainability and its chosen manifestations
The issue of sustainability is at present one of the leading subjects in an international scope. On the one hand, it is fashionable, while on the other hand it is an essential factor of the stable development of civilization. Both a high level of social awareness and the willingness to change are conditions of implementing the idea of sustainability. Effects of sustainability are manifested on three basic planes, i.e. economic benefits, social justice and satisfaction as well as environmental protection. They should influence all spheres of life and the process of creating a built environment. In architecture, sustainability develops a new, wider approach to an investment process. It is manifested by criteria and indicators which were briefly outlined here. Polish specificity of sustainability was pointed out. Threats resulting from the process of uncritical following of the fashion, without a deeper understanding and application of the idea, were also shown.
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Beata Majerska-Pałubicka - Attempts to optimize methods of sustainable architectural design
The issues raised in the article include dependencies between design solutions comprising a whole cycle of the technical life of buildings and building development elements and their environmental effectiveness (ecological, economic, social, etc.) in the context of impact exerted by the environment built by man on the natural environment. The basic goal of the article is to present possibilities of optimizing the currently applied built environment design methods by using new design tools and technical possibilities as well as to construct a pattern of architectural design methods and strategies regarding the assumptions of conscious creation of sustainable architecture. In order to achieve the above mentioned goals an attempt has been undertaken to answer the following research questions: What are the major factors of sustainable development in the context of architectural design? What should a design process, taking into account the needs of sustainable design, look like? What should the design process optimization involve? The author’s experiences indicate that architects demonstrate certain caution towards the idea of sustainable design, which results in sparse representation of the architectural branch in discussions devoted to the topic in question. For this reason, in the context of the fact that focus on the manner of achieving the sustainable design goal is an obvious matter, any activities aiming to introduce the subject, arouse the engagement and interest of the architectural profession representatives in active participation in international debates and activities seem to be important. Thus in the fi rst place, the article is directed towards architects, urban planners as well as other participants of investment processes, especially those in control of fi nances, so they also could understand the whole process.
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Patrycja Haupt - Common Ground: architecture – nature – people
The 13th Venice Architecture Biennale (2012) showed a new way of perceiving architecture as a component of public space – common ground. This kind of approach may be revealed in the mutual relation between three elements: architecture, nature and people. Sustainable design nowadays provides harmonious co-creation and use of space. The consequences of developing this idea are noticeable even today in architectural and urban composition in the cities’ public space. Elements of nature create not only the substance of shaping spaces, but they also present an opportunity to build a local community that aims at taking care of the environment.
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Krzysztof Cebrat - The un-sustainable housing market in Poland. Statistical data analysis and the energy embodied in economic value as a new sustainability indicator
The paper shows the state of the Polish housing market in the context of contemporary and historical knowledge about sustainability. Statistical data shows that the promoted economic growth model does not take into account the basic principles of sustainable development. In addition to the correction of obvious inconsistencies in the information provided by the representatives of the housing market, there are also suggestions that we should use the energy embodied in the economic value indicator to estimate the impact of the investment on the environment.
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Katarzyna Zielonko-Jung - The densely developed urban space as an environment for energy-efficient buildings
In the urban setting, natural environment including climatic conditions is strongly transformed. The more urbanised is the area, the more complex are physical processes which infl uence its microclimate. In consequence, the buildings focused on energy savings from renewable resources, and which are located in urban settings, are conditioned by other factors than those located in open areas. Taking into consideration that city keeps on expanding and makes more intense use of the land, the problem of shaping energy-saving building structures in a typical urban environment is very pertinent. This article points at interrelations between the shape of the buildings’ settings and conditions of the micro climate, which have direct bearing on the possibility to lower their’ demand for energy. This analysis is based on the research coming from various literature sources, as well as own research and selected environmental building designs in urban context. The objective of this study is to investigate the possibility of applying well known energy-saving solutions in buildings that create a dense urban tissue. Some principles governing their selection and modifi cation were delineated, pointing to the right direction in shaping energy-saving urban architecture.
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Barbara Widera - The City Council building in Bologna as an example of pro-ecological architecture
The new City Council building in Bologna, designed by Mario Cucinella Architects is an example of the holistically designed object, that presents methods of built environment creation with the responsibility towards the natural environment. Pro-ecological attitude has been accentuated in the architecture through the increased energy efficiency and proper building orientation considering geographical directions and local climate conditions. The usage of passive solar gain in the winter, cooling air flow through the summer as well as the natural ventilation in public zones and daylight illumination of the office space, allow significant reduction of the energy consumption. The issue of rainwater collection and rational water management in the building has been also very important. Providing a favorable microclimate in the building interiors and its surroundings influences the improvement of the user comfort. Additionally this convenience is increased with a good connection with the transport network and creation of easily accessible, welcoming public space. The high level of user comfort results with an increased quality of life, both in scale of the district and the city. The City Council building, as one of the most important public administration facilities, helps to establish the pattern to be spread and followed among the local society. It is also an example that shows how the right decision about the location of the building of this rank can affect the upgrade of the neighborhood. In addition to the educational message, regarding the promotion of pro-ecological architecture, the authors of theCity Council building in Bologna emphasize its aesthetic aspects and the importance in the cultural landscape of the city.
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Magdalena Zienowicz, Ewa Podhajska - Trends, strategies and perspectives of modern illumination and lighting of towns on the example of Lyons
From the stage of artistic illumination of buildings came art which became a part of comprehensive planning studies. Spontaneous and unrestrained illumination of single objects, popular at the turn of the 20th century, has been replaced with legislation procedures for developing illumination plans for cities and even whole regions with an additional requirement of implementing energy-saving technologies and observing rules of environmental protection. Its artistic expression has also changed – careful engineering transformed into ephemeral solutions, full of creative virtuosity and mysticism.
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Joanna Gil, Anna Grudzińska, Agata Potaczek - ECOtwist – modern & comfortable energy-efficient house
One of the major contemporary challenges architects need to face, is to design structures which combine comfort of use with maximal energy efficiency. This results from high demands regarding thermal insulation of construction partitions, described in building regulations which came into force in 1.01.2014. The ECOtwist house project attempts to become the optimal future construction in terms of energy consumption and economy. The article provides a description of an energy efficient single-family house concept called ECOtwist, developed as a result of cooperation between a group of students and a couple – hypothetical future investors and users of the house. Keeping in mind the idea of sustainable development concerning architecture, strong relations between the site and the building have been developed, distinguishing functional zones inside as well as outside. The selection of structural system, building materials and energy saving solutions was determined to obtain the lowest possible useful energy value. Simultaneously, at every stage of the design process these decisions were confronted with the building’s functionality and aesthetics.
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Mateusz Dworak - Ecological unit of single houses in Będzin
The ecological buildings complex is located in Będzin, on the estate of Małobądzka, between Jesionowa and Lipowa streets. The buildings complex consists of semi-detached and free-standing units. The buildings are adapted for disabled people who move around in a wheelchair. The proposed buildings in a belt system on the east–west axis are shaped in such a way as to make full use of solar energy. The buildings are set, so that the residence rooms have a southern exposure.    Blocks of designed houses are composed of several volumes connected by glass segments which enable communication. The main component is the core of a two-storey residential building with the attic referring to the archetype of a detached house.    In accordance with the requirements of energy-saving construction, large windows and a three-storey winter garden to the south have been designed. The northern elevation is characterized only by necessary openings. A buffer system of rooms is used and the location of residence spaces from the south is achieved.    The high ecological and energy saving value is achieved by a simple form of building block and by the elimination of thermal bridges. Important components of green building have been applied: heat pump systems with solar collectors, heat recovery ventilation and rainwater collection.
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