Issue 2(54)/2018
Table of contents
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- Beata Juchniewicz - The art of observation and drawing
- Beata Makowska - Sketching as a record of thoughts
- Beata Kucharczyk-Brus, Joanna Zabawa-Krzypkowska - Freehand drawing in the interior design teaching process
- Paweł Jaszczuk - Changes in the role of art subjects and methods of their teaching in the context of the architects’ curriculum at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology
- Joanna Pętkowska - Freehand drawing in the context of technological changes
- Maciej Balasiński, Leszek Maluga - The composition in the education process of an architect at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology
- Barbara Siomkajło, Dorota Łuczewska - Introduction to space modelling – combining the basics of composition theory with work on material at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology
- Hubert Bujak - The importance of medium in art and architecture
- Karolina Jaklewicz - Murals – artistic outside of architecture
Beata Juchniewicz - The art of observation and drawing
This article describes the relationship between active perception of space and hand-drawing, with particular emphasis on their role in developing creative skills of architects. There are four categories of vision and their respective modes of artistic record. All of them are described on the basis of examples of W. Weiss, Z. Herbert, contemporary architects (including T. Głowacki) and student work. Attention was drawn to certain distinctness and at the same time complementing these attitudes in the final shaping of the active, creative attitude of perception of space, called Active Eye.
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Beata Makowska - Sketching as a record of thoughts
The significant and indispensable role of sketching in a creative process is emphasizes in the paper. Within this process, sketches represent an internal conversation that takes place inside the author’s mind and involves ongoing verification and adjustments to the author’s way of thinking. On the other hand, freehand drawing is a form of a dialogue with reality, and offers an opportunity for its exploration and discovery. Thanks to a certain degree of unpredictability inherent to sketching, sketches are indispensable in the creative process. They prove to be particularly useful when ideation turns out to be insufficient or when a problem is more likely to be solved by “externalising” the thinking (the process of restructuring – creating an analogy, mutation and combination of forms by sketching). Due to the fact that education of future architects today focuses on drawing less than in the past, students find it increasingly more difficult to develop their skill of creative “thinking on paper”. Meanwhile when teaching future architects the artistic skills that support the creative process, it is important that each of them seek their individual perspective and strive to go out of the box, challenging stereotypes. Methods discussed in the article include observation based on the vast teaching experience in the academic context.
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Beata Kucharczyk-Brus, Joanna Zabawa-Krzypkowska - Freehand drawing in the interior design teaching process
The paper deals with issues connected with the process of teaching in the field of hand-drawing at the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology in the field of Interior Architecture. It presents briefly the program of study throughout the whole cycle of studies. It includes reflections on both: the need to educate students in this field and the translation of the content of the curriculum into the professional workshop of future architects. The main objective is to determine how the hand-drawing teaching process develops visual arts as a tool for presenting own design concept to future investors. The implementation of the paper uses participant observation, analysis of students’ work, analysis of work execution. The research carried out leads to the conclusion about the need to intensify the tasks of regular architectural drawing.
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Paweł Jaszczuk - Changes in the role of art subjects and methods of their teaching in the context of the architects’ curriculum at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology
The article discusses changes in the role and methods of teaching art subjects at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology caused by several modifications of the architects’ education program. The change process contained two opposing poles. On the one hand, the time devoted to conducting classes was shortened; from 450 hours in 1946 to 182 hours in 2007. It was connected with the successive narrowing of the problem issues of classes. This situation was complicated by two more facts: a change in the philosophy of initial design classes and the progressive presence of the computer in the design process, significantly changing the principles of cooperation between students and lecturers. It was connected with the extension of the issues of composition in the curriculum so that a large part of these exercises was carried out in the consultation mode with assigning the work to be done by students as homework. Another problem that was also noticed was the growing lack of ability to record space by students by means of freehand drawing. Thus, with the ever-shorter curriculum, there was also a need to introduce new aspects to art education. The author suggests increasing the number of exercises/classes to explore and create space on various scales and in different aspects, so as to develop the potential of students and show them how to fully observe and experience the world around us, at the same time giving them the tools to change it. It would be possible with a comprehensive revision of the architects’ curriculum at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
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Joanna Pętkowska - Freehand drawing in the context of technological changes
The article aims to present freehand drawing in the context of modern technological changes, specifically in relation to the incorporation of the three dimensional digital models within the design process. To that end, first, a concise historical overview of utilization of freehand drawing and CAD techniques in designing is presented, where the issue of authorship is emphasized. Next, the relations between freehand drawing and digital tools are described, especially in the context of rapid development of modern 3D modelling techniques. Also comprehensively discussed are the root causes of technology-driven changes in design techniques and the importance of Building Information Modeling (BIM). Summary contains of the conclusions on the role of the freehand drawing in modern design process and discussion about the influence of technological changes on the position of an architect in the design process.
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Maciej Balasiński, Leszek Maluga - The composition in the education process of an architect at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology
The article is a presentation of the curriculum of the subjects “the artistic support of design” and „color composition – space in architecture” that have been created for students of the third year, the first degree of architecture, the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. It is also an attempt to answer the question of how these teaching programs can affect the quality of the architect’s education in context of the role of architectural composition in the design workshop.
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Barbara Siomkajło, Dorota Łuczewska - Introduction to space modelling – combining the basics of composition theory with work on material at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology
In the educational process of architecture students one of the essential problems is to make them aware of the importance of the concept composition – as a basic one for all artistic activity, especially for the architectural designing. This paper presents an element of this educational process which closely connects the theory with creative practice using different media, in order to realize the three-dimensional composition. Adequately chosen educational tasks, which have been introduced within the confines of composition-artistic block courses at the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology at the primary level, are very helpful. In the paper a group of simple tasks and ways of their realization for the sake of introducing some elements of composition theory (its features, relationships, rules), used materials and technology of execution as well as some kinds of designing idea documentation is described. This paper also contains the report on the realization methodology of the next steps of these tasks and also described photos of chosen students’ work examples (plates, walls, solids). Realization of this group of educational tasks makes it possible to verify connections between the designed form, its construction and characteristics of material, it also allows to co-ordinate designing processes simultaneously – in two-dimensional notation (drawing, at all stages) and during modelling in real space. And so they are an important element of the future architects art technique.
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Hubert Bujak - The importance of medium in art and architecture
The article in a subjective and at the same time synthetic way presents a point of view on several key problems related to the concept of creativity in relation to the medium understood as a material and the matter of a work of art. It contains the reflections and conclusions gained thanks to the combination of didactic activity at the Faculty of Architecture Wrocław University of Science and Technology with the independent artistic activity in the field of painting and sculpture. The basic assumption and purpose of the article is to emphasize the material factor in the artistic work and to demonstrate the great importance of the creativity as a process that has universal features for activities related to design. In the context of the discussed problems, fragments of aesthetic thought, selected phenomena in the area of art history and specific examples of own works as well as student works created during the sculpture classes at the Faculty of Architecture are quoted here.
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Karolina Jaklewicz - Murals – artistic outside of architecture
In the article examples from the history of murals are discussed which point to the positive manifestations of the co-existence of painting and architecture, with special attention to the relation between the architect and the mural. The didactic process is also discussed with the aim of preparing future architects to incorporate murals (either authored or commissioned by artists) into the architectural space already at the design stage. Examples of mural paintings found in public space are also cited, constituting good examples of co-existence of painting and architecture.
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