Issue 2(74)/2023
Table of contents
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- Ewa Łużyniecka, Kateřina Charvátová - The monastic rule versus the colors of Polish and Bohemian Cistercian architecture in the 12th and 15th centuries
- Karolina Jaklewicz - Otherness as a value. Camp and the multicolored architecture of Hundertwasser
- Justyna Juroszek - The role of a brick detail in architecture on the example of contemporary architectural trends in Upper Silesia
- Dominik Przygodzki, Magda Szarkowska - Restoration of medieval gords on the example of the “in the meadows” gord in Wiślica: a case study
- Krystyna Strumiłło - An integrated approach to the protection of cultural heritage on the example of Kolumna – a former summer resort near Łódź
- Natalia Przesmycka, Rafał Strojny, Anna Życzyńska - Modernisation of hospital buildings built in the 20th century in the context of architectural, functional and operational problems
- Klaudyna Mentel, Zbyszko Bujniewicz, Luís Miguel Moreira Pinto - Analysis of functional and spatial solutions in selected centres accredited by the National Autistic Society
- Joanna Gil-Mastalerczyk, Sylwia Mochocka, Małgorzata Wijas - A friendly city: public space accessibility in Kielce
- Anna Jaglarz, Szymon Chrzanowski - The role of lighting in senior care facility design
- Waldemar Marzęcki - Compliance calculator
- Oksana Pekarchuk - Container settlements built in Ukraine and Western Europe in 2022. Analysis and design recommendations
- Krzysztof Mycielski - City-forming solutions for quarter development in the designs of the Grupa 5 Architekci studio
Ewa Łużyniecka, Kateřina Charvátová - The monastic rule versus the colors of Polish and Bohemian Cistercian architecture in the 12th and 15th centuries
The aim of the article is to show the relationship between the monastic rule and the color scheme of Cistercian buildings in the current territories of Poland and the Czech Republic in the 12th–15th centuries. In the research, which constitutes the basis of the study, the following methods were used: stratigraphic and architectural in situ as well as historical, analytical and comparative. The Cistercian monastic rule recommended formal asceticism and so it was forbidden to make colorful paintings, floors, and stained glass windows. As a result of the research, three periods in the color transformation of Cistercian architecture have been distinguished. The first period (end of the 12th century – 1st half of the 13th century) was characterized by partial compliance with the aforementioned rules. The second period, which took place in the 2nd half of the 13th century, was the beginning of a departure from formal asceticism. In the third period (14th and 15th centuries), there was a decisive departure from the original monastic rule. At that time, the color scheme depended on the financial condition of the order, the level of the painting abilities and the imagination of creators. The monastic rule fell into oblivion.
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Karolina Jaklewicz - Otherness as a value. Camp and the multicolored architecture of Hundertwasser
Due to the lack of an unambiguous aesthetic classification of Friedensreich Hundertwasser’s architectural designs, in this text his multicoloured creative activity will be analyzed through the prism of camp aesthetics. The aim of the article is to present Hundertwasser’s design creativeness in a new context, taking into account the criteria of camp sensitivity and asthetics. Our analysis will be made with reference to theoretical texts and direct experience. The reflection on the works of Hundertwasser will consider both the criteria included in Susan Sontag’s text “Notes on Camp”, which is fundamental to camp aesthetics, as well as the later considerations of Camp researchers who pay attention not so much to the object as to the person who camps (Czapliński, Booth, Meyer, Mauriès). “The eye of the beholder”, i.e. sensitivity of the recipient, will also be important for camp. The key issue will be colour without which it would be difficult to write about the Austrian artist’s objects in the context of camp aesthetics. The following text is an attempt at a new perspective on Hundertwasser and perhaps it will serve the acceptance of “misfits” as well as their “otherness” and will broaden the fields of mutual acceptance.
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Justyna Juroszek - The role of a brick detail in architecture on the example of contemporary architectural trends in Upper Silesia
An image of the changing trends in the design of ceramic architectural details in Upper Silesia in recent years is the subject of the study. At the research stage, a source query, analysis of completed architectural objects, field inspection and photographic documentation were used. On the basis of a broader recognition of the subject, two examples were selected from the sacral buildings, residential buildings and public utility buildings. Assessment of the architectural environment, representativeness of the building, high architectural value, and cultural recognition were the selection criteria. Showing that the contemporary architecture of Upper Silesia allows operating with chiaroscuro, which gives the composition a “third dimension” – uniqueness and specific expression is the goal that the author achieves. It is not reaching for historical patterns, but creating new, geometric, spatial forms, setting new composition rules, using chiaroscuro, painterly and sculptural features of this timeless material. The human scale of the module means that bricks can be used to design almost any architectural object: a residential building, as well as a sacral or public utility building. Contemporary brick is no longer used only to create structural elements – it is part of the image composition, relief and sculpting of each façade.
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Dominik Przygodzki, Magda Szarkowska - Restoration of medieval gords on the example of the “in the meadows” gord in Wiślica: a case study
This paper presents a case study of the revalorisation of the gord “in the meadows” in Wiślica. The authors present design issues related to the archaeological-architectural site. The administrative and legal processes that resulted in the implementation of a restoration plan for a building under statutory conservation are illustrated. The paper presents design decisions made on the basis of collected information, archaeological findings, conservation guidelines, administrative permits and conservatorial constraints. The solutions adopted to preserve the priceless historical value of the site, while making it accessible to tourists and researchers, are explained and presented.
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Krystyna Strumiłło - An integrated approach to the protection of cultural heritage on the example of Kolumna – a former summer resort near Łódź
In recent years, the growing importance of protecting cultural heritage can be noticed. An integrated approach to the protection of cultural heritage reflects both the society’s attitude to the world of values and the very process of reinterpretation of values. The aim of the article is to present the results of the research conducted by the author on the cultural heritage in Kolumna (Łask district) near Łódź. These results shed new light on a holistic view of the issue of heritage protection in terms of European Union provisions. Empirical research was carried out consisting in direct observation, analysis and self-assessment, as well as archival queries and studies of the latest literature on the subject. Field observations concerned human interference and transformation of the green landscape. As a result of the conducted research, it should be stated that cultural heritage, whose values are not only material cultural goods, but also natural heritage and our memory and identity, is subject to constant evolution. Proper welfare management and the intensification of activities aimed at protecting these values are becoming crucial.
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Natalia Przesmycka, Rafał Strojny, Anna Życzyńska - Modernisation of hospital buildings built in the 20th century in the context of architectural, functional and operational problems
Hospital buildings are some of the most complex and fastest “ageing” building structures. The continuous development of technology and the need to adapt hospital buildings to modern needs leads to modernisation work. The aim of this research was to identify the problems associated with the modernisation of hospitals against the background of architectural, functional and operational issues arising from the changing utilisation and legal requirements for this type of facility. Among other things, it was examined what modernisation work had been carried out, what structures and technologies had been used in the hospitals surveyed (which has a significant impact on their susceptibility to changes related to adaptation to contemporary needs and functional requirements). A comparison was made between buildings selected from among all initially analysed hospital facilities in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The types of modernisation works carried out in the last two decades and the most common problems were identified. The architecture and construction technologies of individual buildings were analysed. Based on the results of the research discussed, it is important to emphasise that when carrying out modernisation work in healthcare facilities, it is necessary to have a long-term plan taking into account the next stages of adaptation to growing needs and operational requirements. Not all buildings are susceptible to such changes, but in the current economic situation of the country and with today’s funding opportunities for public health facilities, as well as rising prices in the construction market, it is still more cost-effective to renovate and modernise existing facilities than to demolish them and build new ones.
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Klaudyna Mentel, Zbyszko Bujniewicz, Luís Miguel Moreira Pinto - Analysis of functional and spatial solutions in selected centres accredited by the National Autistic Society
In Great Britain specialist centres best adapted to people with autism spectrum disorder are rated and accredited by the National Autistic Society. The article presents Multiple Case Study research analyses and compares three building examples. The subject of the research is the analysis of objects from the list that met the inclusion criteria or have been developed as part of the British government programs to improve the quality of education. The research purpose was to analyse and compare the design criteria selected based on literature research. The criteria also influence the development of the functional and utility structure of the centres. Research has been carried out as a “pilot study” and has been conducted using the expert method from the perspective of an architect and therapist of people with autism spectrum disorder. The author has used pre-design studies, technical documentation, and photos as a source material. The analysis revealed that the functional layout in the above-mentioned facilities was designed regarding the sensory gradation of space. The high-stimulus zone and the low-stimulus zone are accessible from a transition zone that is sensory-neutral. Sensory zoning of the space is a guideline for functional design. The model of analysis of the collected data presented as part of the pilot study can be used to develop the research method. It seems advisable to extend the list of design criteria and continue collecting data in order to obtain reliable results.
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Joanna Gil-Mastalerczyk, Sylwia Mochocka, Małgorzata Wijas - A friendly city: public space accessibility in Kielce
The universal accessibility of public spaces is one of the factors that contribute to the image of a friendly city, understood as a place that meets the needs of all social groups, including people with disabilities. The aim of this study was to analyse the public spaces of Kielce in the context of accessibility. The spaces selected for the study are located at the intersection of different structures, constituting a public space in the traditional sense together with a network of streets and squares, a collection of important buildings, monuments, street furniture and urban greenery. The discussion covers the verification of circulation and transport solutions, the form and shape of the designed space, their place-based identity, programme and spatial orientation. Space characteristics and analysis were used to assess accessibility. The characterisation and analysis of spaces aimed to assess whether the spaces under study were attractive, sustainable and accessible due to solutions that enhance the functionality of the city space at the level of physical, psychological and emotional needs. The analysed public spaces of Kielce, thanks to their universal accessibility, guarantee easy accessibility, safety of use, promote proper perception of space, interpersonal contacts, as well as various forms of social life, thus positively influencing the perception of Kielce as a friendly city.
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Anna Jaglarz, Szymon Chrzanowski - The role of lighting in senior care facility design
Shaping ergonomic lighting in spaces dedicated to seniors requires reliable knowledge from designers both in terms of health issues related to the aging of the eyesight and innovative lighting solutions. Design guidelines based on credible scientific results are also desirable. To complement the information in this field, the authors identified perceptual problems in the elderly due to the aging process of the visual system and analyzed the impact of lighting quality on the health, safety, comfort, and satisfaction of the elderly. Because eyesight deteriorates with age, older people have to deal with the effects of insufficient or inappropriate lighting. For this reason, there is a need to adapt lighting solutions to the requirements of seniors, taking into account the process of weakening of the visual system. Design strategies focused on three lighting effects were discussed: maintaining emotional balance, ensuring efficiency in everyday activities, and preventing falls. Lighting simulations were also made on selected examples of interiors in the senior care facility. They provided the basis for the analysis, comparison and evaluation of various lighting solutions and the development of conclusions and guidelines for multi-directional lighting strategies based on visualized design problems.
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Waldemar Marzęcki - Compliance calculator
The article describes the “compliance calculator”. This is a new research module of the Spatial Continuity Diagram method. It is used to support the processes of transformation and expansion of existing urban structures in the spirit of respecting their spatial continuity. The article presents a method of calculating the degrees of homogeneity of architectural and urban features for complexes that are extensions of the existing urban fabric. The purpose is to show by means of a compliance calculator the mechanism for determining the appropriate degrees of homogeneity of the features of a new development depending on what percentage they represent in relation to the existing development. A theoretical model has been developed to simulate the development process of an urban complex consisting of buildings of five different heights and low feature homogeneity. The model illustrates the methodology for calculating, using a compliance calculator, the relevant results for the degrees of feature homogeneity of a new development. It was shown that the compliance calculator, which is a new research module, refines the general findings of the Spatial Continuity Diagram used in the process of harmonious expansion of urban structures. The research shows that the larger the percentage of the expansion area, the closer its degree of homogeneity should be to the degree of homogeneity of the urban structure being expanded. However, it should not be lower than that. Otherwise, it may lead to spatial degradation of the existing development.
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Oksana Pekarchuk - Container settlements built in Ukraine and Western Europe in 2022. Analysis and design recommendations
Container settlements are used all over the world as temporary housing in crisis situations, which is associated with the possibility to satisfy the basic needs of people in a short period of time. The aim of the article is to research the main features of the built container settlements for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine and to determine the advantages and disadvantages of their operation. 12 container settlements built in 2022 with the support of the Polish government in the Lviv and Kyiv regions were visited for the study. The article contains information on container settlements that relate to land use, built-up area, number of container units, typology and function of the purpose of buildings and their equipment and control of these objects. The analysis of container settlements for Ukrainian refugees in Europe and IDPs in Ukraine has allowed for a focus on indicating successful architectural and urban solutions. The results of the study may be an impulse to improve the quality of the conditions in temporary housing for IDPs. The determination of effective architectural and urban models used in Europe in the construction of container settlements will help during the planning, construction and organization of the living environment of new settlements in Ukraine.
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Krzysztof Mycielski - City-forming solutions for quarter development in the designs of the Grupa 5 Architekci studio
The Warsaw-based Grupa 5 Architekci studio is a team of several dozen designers operating on the Polish construction market, shaped by the experience of the Polish transformation. After two decades of activity, the architects who created it undertook a joint attempt at ideological self-definition. The aim of the article is to show how personal conclusions drawn from education, subsequent practice, the evolution of the theory of architecture as well as personal beliefs and experiencing space translate into specific design solutions. Since one of the architectural threads connecting people co-creating the studio are achievements in the field of designing quarter development, the method adopted in the article is a detailed analysis of this part of the work of Grupa 5, from the implementation of individual buildings to the urban planning assumptions of large housing complexes. The article ends with the author’s theses on the philosophy of design, which result from design practice.
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